What is meme.market?

2 min readApr 10, 2024


meme.market is a memecoin launchpad where memecoins come with memes.

meme market is a memecoin launchpad where memecoins come with meme collections.

meme.market is the simplest way to deploy a memecoin on Base blockchain.

  • Each coin has a fair and rug-free launch. No team allocations. No shady launch behavior.
  • No seed liquidity is needed to start the coin. Liquidity is powered by NFT mints. Each coin is backed by a bonding curve.
  • Launch a coin in less than a minute.
Every memecoin on meme.market has 3 parts.

Every memecoin purchase on meme.market comes with a meme NFT.

  • Pick a meme to buy memecoins. You get both a meme (ERC1155) and coins (ERC20) when you buy memecoins on meme.market.
  • Keep both as long as you want, or sell either anytime. They aren’t tied together.
  • Anyone can add more memes to the meme collection and earn 5%.
  • Each meme is a 7 day Open Edition.

We‘re also continually adding features to help you grow and cultivate your community.

  • Each memecoin Market automatically comes with a Telegram chat.
  • Each memecoin Market has a Market rank. Rally with your friends to level up your Market cap.
  • Memecoin Markets created after March 18, 2024 can graduate to be tradable on Dexs like Uniswap.
  • And more to come. Stay tuned …

Create coins, make memes, have fun.

meme.market is where you coin the best meme.




Launch memecoins instantly 🫶 Each coin on http://meme.market is fair launch and comes with a collaborative meme collection. Make memes to earn more coins.